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Announcing our latest Community Member Spotlight... @fshahin31
Announcing our latest Community Member Spotlight... @fshahin31 Faheem was one of the first Community Members back in December 2022. Since then, he's been asking excellent questions to help implement the Quantexa Platform and, more recently, sharing tech tips to help out other Community Members - which has earned him the…
FAQ - List of Technical Business Analyst (BA) Academy Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of FAQ's for the Quantexa Technical Business Analyst (BA) Academy. Search configuration could not be loaded Setting up the training-tutorial project for the Scenario-based Tasks Not able to access search option on UI application. script showing all started UI Entity search not working BA…
📢 New Education Program Launch 🚀 | Quantexa Technical Foundations Release 2
Education Services is delighted to announce Release 2 of our core technical eLearning Program Quantexa Technical Foundations. The Program is an entry point for users planning to work with our Platform in a technical capacity. This group includes future Quantexa Data Engineers, Scoring Engineers, Platform Architects,…
📢 New Education Program Launch 🚀 | Quantexa User Foundations Release 2
Education Services is delighted to announce Release 2 of the eLearning program Quantexa User Foundations. Release 2 promises a more engaging and efficient learning experience. With a streamlined scope of information, you'll breeze through the program, without sacrificing depth or quality. Moreover, Release 2 features…
FAQ - List of Academy Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of FAQ's for the Quantexa Academies. Have an idea for an FAQ? Please let us know by emailing with the idea! General Quantexa Documentation Links for the Academy Gradle taking too long to index I tried to run a spark shell script and got a "Permission denied" error message My Quantexa…
FAQ: I can't find Addresses or Individuals when I search in my UI!
FAQ relevant for: all Academy versions If you perform a search in your UI and it only returns eg. Business entities but not Individuals or Addresses, then there are a few things you can check to resolve this issue. Firstly, remember that when you perform a general search (red box below), it will search within any field…
Licence Update for the training VDIs
Hey all! This is just to say that new Quantexa Licences have been issued for your training VDIs, so you can now go ahead and update your licence and you should see the warning banner along the top of the Quantexa UI disappear after you have done this! Note: if you are doing the BA Academy then there is a small issue with…
FAQ: I tried to start my UI but some of the apps didn't start up / I got a UI error
FAQ relevant for: all Academy versions If your apps haven't started after executing the ./ script and waiting for a few minutes, the first thing to do would be to identify which of the apps didn't start. This can be done by executing the ./ script** which should give you an indication as to if one of…