Licence Update for the training VDIs

Dan_Pryer Posts: 1,720 QUANTEXA TEAM
edited December 2022 in Academy

Hey all! This is just to say that new Quantexa Licences have been issued for your training VDIs, so you can now go ahead and update your licence and you should see the warning banner along the top of the Quantexa UI disappear after you have done this!

Note: if you are doing the BA Academy then there is a small issue with your update licence update script, where it won't update the licence in the Example Solution repository. To resolve this, use the update licence script and then take a copy of the new licence from e.g. the Smoke Test repository (config/ folder), then paste this into your Example Solution repository (also in the config/folder). We are working on a fix for this issue, thank you for your patience.

Dan Pryer - Senior Engineer

R&D - Decision Systems / Detection Packs

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