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FAQ: I can't find Addresses or Individuals when I search in my UI!

Dan_Pryer Posts: 1,700 QUANTEXA TEAM
edited November 2023 in Academy

FAQ relevant for: all Academy versions

If you perform a search in your UI and it only returns eg. Business entities but not Individuals or Addresses, then there are a few things you can check to resolve this issue.

Firstly, remember that when you perform a general search (red box below), it will search within any field sets (orange box) you have configured in the search definitions of the resolver config.

If you have configured these search definitions for all entity types, then also double check for any spelling errors in the resolver config in terms of fields that you are pointing at in the underlying data - these searches go off of fields in the cleansed Document Data Model.

The other place to check is that your elastic has the data you expect in it - do you have address and individual data there? If not, then you may want to review your ETL pipeline, and check out this related FAQ.

Lastly - you may need to refresh the security permissions to be able to access these additional Entities, which you can do by running the drop_recreate_databases.sh script in your home directory on the VDI (while the UI isn't running). After this, you should see the additional search fields and be able to find these entities.

Let us know in a new post if you are still having issues after performing these checks!

Dan Pryer - Senior Engineer

R&D - Decision Systems / Detection Packs

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  • rahul_kushwaha
    rahul_kushwaha Posts: 11 Enthusiast
    edited December 2022

    I encountered the same problem and above steps helped me.

    Infact this solved the issue why expansion was limited to business entity only in Investigation.

  • Ian_Ush123
    Ian_Ush123 Posts: 83 Rising Star

    Hi quick question on this - can you add a screenshot that shows the fields configured under Business? The only field that is visible is Country....would be curious to see what other fields are configured there (ive updated my resolver config to show the same fields as displayed for address and individual, would like to do the same for business)

    Many thanks

  • Dan_Pryer
    Dan_Pryer Posts: 1,700 QUANTEXA TEAM

    Hey @Ian_Ush123 ! So that screenshot is not necessarily meant to tell you what fields you need to define 😅 I leave it up to you to decide what fields should be appropriate there in terms of being able to search for Businesses.

    Dan Pryer - Senior Engineer

    R&D - Decision Systems / Detection Packs

    Did my reply answer your question? Then why not mark it as having answered in the bottom right corner of my post! 😁

  • Ian_Ush123
    Ian_Ush123 Posts: 83 Rising Star

    ok no worries - thought it would be quite nice to see it, but yeh i get where you are coming from 😀

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