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Harris Poll: Business Leaders Strategize to Offset Risk

The findings of the Building A Resilient America: The New Consensus for Action report illuminate the struggles leaders face as they navigate through economic instability, tech disruptions, and societal shifts. These challenges come with the task of marrying immediate pressures with long-term strategic ambitions with concerns about America's global position prompting 91% of business leaders to advocate for a concerted effort to bolster U.S. competitiveness in the global market.

Concurrently, the research indicates a consensus for optimism and collective effort that transcends political boundaries. It uncovers a widespread desire for optimism and unity across the U.S., cutting through political divides with Americans calling for long-term leaders and forward-thinking approaches. Additionally, business leaders across various sectors share positive outlooks, believing that their businesses are strong, and that American competitiveness can be fortified through local investment, cross-sector cooperation, and a commitment to sustainable practices.

Read more here … https://outlookseries.com/A0766/Financial/3741_Harris_Business_Leaders_Strategize_Offset_Risk.htm

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