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Can Improvements in Sustainability Data Help Public Companies Earn Trust With Large Investors?

As sustainability becomes a more common consideration for investment management professionals in the United States, trust in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) data used to inform investment decisions by asset owners and managers is lagging, according to a new global study titled "Investor trust in sustainability data" from Deloitte and The Fletcher School at Tufts University.

The survey found that sustainable investing has grown significantly in the U.S. over the past five years, with 83% of U.S. investment management professionals surveyed reporting that they have a sustainable ESG investing policy in-place (e.g., any policy that takes environmental, social or governance concerns into consideration when measuring the sustainability impact of a business or investment). That is a considerable shift compared to just 27% five years ago, according to the recent survey. In fact … Read more here …https://outlookseries.com/A0768/Infrastructure/3455_Deloitte_Sustainability_Public_Companies_Large_Investors.htm

Quantexa's Dax Aiken shares his thoughts.

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