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It's a wrap: Accenture | Google Cloud | Quantexa Insurance Roadshow

Sheryl_Wharff Posts: 356 QUANTEXA TEAM

There's a saying ... 'It takes a village'. Couldn't agree more! I'd just add ... and some great Partners! I want to personally thank these Quantexa Ultimate partner speakers from Accenture and Google Cloud who shared their insights around transforming insurance organizations throughout our Global Insurance roadshow the past 2 quarters.

A very special 'thank you' to Quantexa's Alex Johnson who was the sole presenter lead for all our locations globally. An amazing job! Wishing each and everyone of these partners the 'very best' this holiday season and here's to more joint partnering in 2024. My sincere thanks to all behind the scenes as well. It does truly take a village to drive successful delivery's. Happy holidays all.
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