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KPMG: 52% Of Government Leaders Look to Implement Generative AI

Focused on keeping pace with their private sector peers, government leaders are seeking to upgrade their technology capabilities while also addressing the evolving challenges faced by their constituents according to KPMG’s new report, “Tomorrow’s Government Today”. While leaders recognize the importance of modernization, the report identifies significant barriers such as adapting technologies to their environment, securing data, and ensuring solutions meet the needs of workforces and other stakeholders.

“In recent years, government agencies have made significant strides in utilizing technology to connect constituents to services and support their employees. Now is the time to continue pressing forward with these advancements,” said Lorna Stark, National Sector Leader, Government & Public Sectors at KPMG US. “The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that governments could move quickly to respond to an unprecedented challenge. Today, the need for technological transformation is no less urgent. It is crucial for the public sector to embrace and adopt these technologies to enhance their missions if they hope to adapt to an increasingly digital and interconnected world.”

Quantexa's Tim Marsh weighs in … read more here: https://outlookseries.com/A0768/Infrastructure/3649_KPMG_Government_Leaders_Implement_Generative_AI.htm

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