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Deloitte: CFO's up beat on the economy - Test the waters with GEN AI on a budget

Each quarter, CFO Signals tracks the thinking and actions of leading CFOs representing North America's largest and most influential companies. Since 2010, the survey has provided key insights into the business environment, company priorities and expectations, finance priorities, and CFOs' priorities. Participating CFOs represent diversified, large companies, with 85% of respondents reporting revenue exceeding $1 billion. Just over one-quarter (27%) are from companies with greater than $10 billion in annual revenue.

Key Takeaways

Fifty-seven percent of CFOs rate the current North American economy favorably, up from 34% in 2Q23 and marking the highest reading since 1Q22. Net optimism for CFOs' own companies' financial prospects also climbed to +22 from +6 last quarter.

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