FAQ: I'm having trouble pasting into my VDI
FAQ relevant for: all Academy versions At various points of the Quantexa Academy it will be useful to be able to paste text into your VDI. This might be to run a script or to use some example code that we provide. If you are having some issues or your paste command isn't working for the VDI, then it could be to do with a…
FAQ - List of Academy Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of FAQ's for the Quantexa Academies. Have an idea for an FAQ? Please let us know by emailing training@quantexa.com with the idea! General I tried to run a spark shell script and got a "Permission denied" error message My Quantexa Licence has expired, how do I update it? I'm trying to run a script and seeing…
FAQ: I can't find Addresses or Individuals when I search in my UI!
FAQ relevant for: all Academy versions If you perform a search in your UI and it only returns eg. Business entities but not Individuals or Addresses, then there are a few things you can check to resolve this issue. Firstly, remember that when you perform a general search (red box below), it will search within any field…
FAQ: I tried to run a spark shell script and got a "Permission denied" error message
FAQ relevant for: all Academy versions If you try to run one of your scripts on your Academy VDI and encounter an error saying Permission denied then there is an easy fix for this. Firstly, you need to open up the Dolphin file explorer and locate the script - this can be done easily in IntelliJ by right clicking on the…
FAQ: I'm trying to run a script and seeing an error about "Unrecognized option: -s"
FAQ relevant for: all Academy versions If you are trying to run a Scala script (e.g. ImportRawToParqet) and you see the above mentioned error, the main cause of this is that the program can't find the relevant JAR file to run. You may also get an error saying something like "<jar name>.jar not found" or "jar <jar name>…
FAQ: I'm missing data in Elasticsearch / my number of docs are wrong
FAQ relevant for: all Academy versions If you have completed the ETL pipeline stages of your project and uploaded the data to ElasticSearch, then when checking your indices in the ElasticSearch Head plugin on Chrome you should have numbers similar to the picture below (to get a bigger version of the image, right click it…
FAQ: I tried to start my UI but some of the apps didn't start up / I got a UI error
FAQ relevant for: all Academy versions If your apps haven't started after executing the ./run-all.sh script and waiting for a few minutes, the first thing to do would be to identify which of the apps didn't start. This can be done by executing the ./check-all.sh script** which should give you an indication as to if one of…