🖥️ New Training VDI Operating System - A switch to Ubuntu

Dan_Pryer Posts: 1,720 QUANTEXA TEAM
edited September 2023 in Academy

Hey all,

This is just a quick announcement to say that from Monday 11th September, we will be switching the Academy Training VDIs from the discontinued CentOS Linux operating system to the Ubuntu (Linux distribution) operating system.

What this means for you: For anyone with an existing VDI, there will be no change to your VDI and you will continue on as normal on the older CentOS distribution. Some of the training materials on LearnUpon may change slightly, including screenshots and some commands in the initial setup instructions. These will be signposted accordingly at the relevant locations in the material.

For anyone with a VDI created from September 11th, you will be issued a VDI running this new Ubuntu operating system.

The overall structure, tasks and learning outcomes of the Academies remains identical regardless of which VDI you are working with, this is purely just a change in the operating system of the VDIs for any new trainees going forward.

For any questions relating to this change, please reach out to us via our training mailbox or over on the Academy Q&A Topic.

Thanks and have a great weekend! 😎

The Quantexa Education Team 👨‍🏫

Dan Pryer - Senior Engineer

R&D - Decision Systems / Detection Packs

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