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Welcome to Quantexa 2.5 | 2.5.0 Release Announcement

John_Keightley Posts: 26 QUANTEXA TEAM
edited February 27 in Release Announcements

We are pleased to announce Quantexa 2.5! Read below for a few exciting highlights.

Stream Updates to the Entity Store

The Entity Store can now be updated with a streamed ingest of new Documents, and creates a change log describing how the Entity population has changed. In combination with the ability to query the full population of resolved Entities, this update enables near real-time access to the most up-to-date view of your data.

Why is this important?

Users and downstream systems can now get the latest view of an Entity resolved by Quantexa, enabling business processes that need to access or act upon that update in near real-time - in a Master Data Management solution (MDM), for example - to do so.

Deploy and Change Custom Scoring Pipelines through Configuration

The addition of Scoring Extension Mode to the Assess Template Generation functionality helps simplify the process of setting up Scoring on a project. With the new Extension Mode, it is now possible to change and add new nodes to a custom Scoring model using configuration files.

Why is this important?

This significantly reduces the technical skills required for setting up the Scoring pipeline and makes the generation of a custom Scoring pipeline more flexible.

Flexible Scorecards: Identify and Aggregate Insights Across Multiple Typologies

Assess capabilities and helper functions have been added to support multiple Scorecards on the same level within one Scoring pipeline. Scores can contribute to one or more Scorecards and flexible alerting logic can be set up to include the outcome of multiple Scorecards.

Why is this important?

This enables the flagging of different types of risks or insights at the same level - for different typologies or different products, for example - and helps an investigator or analyst understand and act upon the full context of the data available.

Tune Scorecards with QPython

QPython utilities can now interact with Assess configuration files and Scoring pipelines, which simplifies the process of tuning a Scoring model, providing an easy way to conduct a what-if analysis.

The interface, using pre-written Python Notebooks, calculates a set of the most common and useful metrics for tuning. The use of Jupyter Notebooks allows the export of the reports for inclusion in the wider model governance process.

Why is this important?

Scorecard tuning is one of the most important parts of model development, as the model must output the most relevant (e.g., risky or interesting) information for a specific use case. These utilities make the process of Scorecard tuning much more accessible, simple, and quick. It also makes sure that the model addresses the business need and risk appetite of the deployment.

Other highlights

  • Speed up and simplify deployment of Explorer with no-code configuration;
  • Merge and split Entities, and override Entity Attributes through the Entity Management Panel (e.g., for Master Data Management solutions);
  • Integrate with Kafka streaming typologies more easily.

Share your thoughts on this release in our poll: Which feature of Quantexa 2.5 are you most excited for? 

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Want to learn more? Check out the Release Notes on the Quantexa Documentation site. If you are unable to access the Documentation site, please get in touch with your Quantexa point of contact or the Community team at community@quantexa.com.
