When you use the Quantexa Community, you join a community of people from all over the world.
This community has been created so that you can exchange ideas, converse and meet other Quantexa users. This is your community. Help us to keep it safe, friendly, fun and helpful.
By joining the Quantexa community you agree to receive occasional emails from the Community team to keep you in the loop - you can unsubscribe to these from the notification settings within your profile.
Rules of Engagement
- Do not post material that is confidential to you, your organisation or to a third party (please see the 'Sensitive content' section below for further details).
- Be polite and respectful in your posts and in your replies to other people.
- Keep conversation threads on track and constructive.
- Cite the source of anything you post or upload if it isn't your own original content.
- SPAM or misinformation will not be tolerated (please see the 'Misinformation' section below for further details).
If you see content that you think violates these guidelines, use the flagging feature (at the bottom of each post) to submit it for review by our Community team:
Flagging a Community post will notify the Community team. Please provide a rationale for why you think the post is inappropriate. Only content which violates these Community guidelines will be moved.
📝 Note: When a Community post has been 'flagged' it will remain on the Community site until the Community team has reviewed it.
Sensitive content
We hope to protect all Quantexa users. That's why we have rules around what's allowed on Quantexa Community and what to do if you see content that doesn't follow these policies.
Failure to follow the security rules described below can potentially compromise sensitive data.
- Please only refer to your organisation if you have permission to do so.
- Do not publish personal data or sensitive technical information.
- Do not copy and paste product source code.
- Do not screenshot or share private and/or sensitive content.
As this is a professional community, we recommend using your real name as your username so people know who you are.
Certain types of misleading or deceptive content with serious risk of harm are not allowed on Quantexa Community. This includes certain types of misinformation: if a post is flagged as misleading, we reserve the right to remove it.
Please note all views on the Quantexa Community are posted by individuals and do not necessarily represent the views of Quantexa.
Please take these rules seriously. Quantexa reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without any obligation to do so, to review and remove user-created services and content at will and without notice, as well as delete content and accounts. Quantexa reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to permanently ban participants or terminate access to the Community.