Is single view enough to action business decisions?

Issam_Hijazi Posts: 27 QUANTEXA TEAM

Traditional MDM has historically been around creating a single view of individual or business. Often, that view is static and looks at entities from one angle- and therefore serve for a specific use-case/purpose.

As data continues to proliferate, and the value of having each BU look after their data and create use-cases (for the obvious reasons), a one single view, or golden view, don't seem to fit for purpose anymore. And that leads to repeated data curation activities, multiple copies of data, increased costs, etc.

That begs the question to have a single solution, platform, that would serve multiple use-cases and have granular level of flexibility for customization, in order to accommodate for different use-cases, current and future ones.

Quantexa works exactly in that way. Provide multiple views, and attribute level detailing to different users, from one instance, and serve data in batch, real-time and on-demand.

How does your organization serve master records today? Please share your thoughts below.

