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Gartner: CFOs and CEOs Identify AI as the Technology with the Greatest Impact in the Next Three Year

Sheryl_Wharff Posts: 339 QUANTEXA TEAM

Growth Remains Top Priority for CFOs and CEOs, While Views Differ on Sustainability and Cost Management

A survey by Gartner revealed that 62% of CFOs and 58% of CEOs believe that AI will have the most significant impact on their industries in the next three years.

The Gartner survey of 247 CEOs and CFOs, polled in July 2023 - December 2023, was conducted to examine CEO and senior business executive views on current business issues, as well as some areas of technology agenda impact.
Read more here ... https://outlookseries.com/A0768/Infrastructure/3297_Gartner_CFOs_CEOs_AI_Greatest_Impact_Next_Three_Years.htm
Quantexa's Felix Hoddinott shares some thoughts.

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