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Gartner: CFOs and CEOs Identify AI as the Technology with the Greatest Impact in the Next Three Year

Growth Remains Top Priority for CFOs and CEOs, While Views Differ on Sustainability and Cost Management

A survey by Gartner revealed that 62% of CFOs and 58% of CEOs believe that AI will have the most significant impact on their industries in the next three years.

The Gartner survey of 247 CEOs and CFOs, polled in July 2023 - December 2023, was conducted to examine CEO and senior business executive views on current business issues, as well as some areas of technology agenda impact.
Read more here ... https://outlookseries.com/A0768/Infrastructure/3297_Gartner_CFOs_CEOs_AI_Greatest_Impact_Next_Three_Years.htm
Quantexa's Felix Hoddinott shares some thoughts.

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