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Welcome to Quantexa 2.6 | 2.6.0 Release Announcement

John_Keightley Posts: 26 QUANTEXA TEAM
edited August 13 in Release Announcements

We are pleased to announce the release of Quantexa 2.6. Highlights:

  • Uncover insights in highly-connected data with QKnowledgeGraph [Experimental]
  • Build and query Graphs quickly and easily with the new Graph API [Early Access]
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Configure Explorer through the Quantexa User Interface (UI)
  • Reduce duplication and lighten workload with Mirror Alerting

Uncover insights in highly-connected data with QKnowledgeGraph [Experimental]

QKnowledgeGraph is a new capability for the analysis of data at scale. It allows the creation of Graphs from the full population of Entities and the application of Perspectives to specify important connections. It is a Python-based component that is now integrated with QPython.

Fig: A graphical representation of a highly complex Graph.

Why is this important?

Knowledge Graph enables Data Scientists to perform Graph analytics, apply algorithms and build Machine Learning (ML) models on Graphs based on the full data which sits behind Quantexa Networks. The output of this analysis could be integrated into the Assess Scoring model as an Entity Score, that will influence Alerting and help to inform the Investigator/Analyst decision. The APIs and Python-based interface of QKnowledgeGraph make it easy for Data Scientists to master the tool.

Build and query Graphs quickly and easily with the new Graph API [Early Access]

The Graph API enables you to dynamically build and query graphs via a REST interface. You can define the shape of the graph that you want to generate using the Quantexa Scripting Language (QSL) and execute this without needing to define expansion logic in advance. The resulting graph can then be used to create an Investigation, or scored against the Assess scoring model.

Why is this important?

The new Graph API offers a quick and easy way to derive intelligence from our interconnected view of your data. It enables technical or data science user to build and query our Graphs without defining structure and expansions in advance, and without having to rebuild the application. They are now free to explore ad-hoc analysis of the Graph, enable Network Scoring in a streaming use case, or validate a Graph’s shape for batch Graph Scripting.

Avoid critical threats with industry-leading Vulnerability Management

From 2.6.0, we will be targeting zero vulnerabilities in every software release. 

To continue to address the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity threats, minor platform versions will be released on a monthly schedule, containing upgrades to dependent components that will remedy any identified vulnerabilities. 

In addition, major and minor open-source dependencies have been re-baselined and upgraded across almost our entire tech stack. This makes sure all releases going forward stay free from any critical or high-risk vulnerabilities.

Why is this important?

Nothing is more important than the security of your data.

Historically, our approach to vulnerability management has been to monitor the vulnerabilities in dependencies to ensure that none pose a risk to the platform. While we are happy that this enables us to maintain a secure product, some Information Security processes may require a different approach. 

We now meet the stringent vulnerability management requirements outlined in NIST 800-53, an industry-leading cybersecurity standard. This grants you and your Information Security team greater control over the vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure.

It also consistently resolves all potential vulnerabilities and reduces your total cost of ownership of The Quantexa Platform by eliminating the need for manual review or lengthy exception processes.

Configure Explorer through the Quantexa User Interface (UI)

Explorer can now be configured directly through the UI. A user with appropriate privileges can configure the schema for a new Document or Entity Explorer type and an instance of it will be generated and auto-populated. They can then configure its display elements: aggregations, document viewer, results table and quick filters, through this instance before saving it and making the new type available to all users.

Fig: UI-driven configuration of Explorer

Why is this important?

This enables less specialised technical users to configure their project's Explorer types, so that they can be easily set up and designed in line with specific use case and user requirements. This contributes to reducing the complexity of configuring the product, therefore reducing time to value and improving your ability to be self-sufficient.

Reduce duplication and lighten workload with Mirror Alerting

Mirror Alerting is an optional extension to the standard Alerting process that reduces duplicated Alerts, or Mirror Alerts, which may occur when two Alerted Subjects have a relationship and trigger the same scoring logic.

Fig: Mirror Alerting Scenario

Why is this important?

In use cases like Correspondent Banking and Retail AML, relationship scores can cause double counting because both entities get a relationship risk trigger.​ The Mirror Alerting framework helps to identify the duplicated risks and reduce the volume of alerts the investigators have to process. The flexible logic allows to define the logic for matching Scores and identifying the mirrored risks.

More information

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