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Deloitte Maps Out Digital Asset Risks

Executives involved in managing digital assets like digital currencies, digital securities, and stablecoins expect digital asset risks to increase and the regulatory environment to become more complex in 2024, according to a recent Deloitte poll. Related investments at most organizations are expected to remain flat.

Looking at the next 12 months, nearly one-quarter (24.7%) of respondents believe that the number and size of digital asset risks their organizations must manage will increase. Further, 45.5% state that an increasingly complex regulatory environment stands to pose the greatest challenge to their organizations' related compliance risk management efforts in 2024.

Read more here … https://www.outlookseries.com/A0766/Financial/3823_Deloitte_Maps_Out_Digital_Asset_Risks.htm

Quantexa's Dax Aiken weighs in with his thoughts.

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