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šŸ”§ Common Errors šŸ”§

Rosie_Randall Posts: 594 QUANTEXA TEAM
edited April 8 in Getting Started

IntroducingĀ Common ErrorsĀ - a new series of articles troubleshooting error messages and issues that are frequently searched for by you - our Quantexa Community users!

These guides will provide debugging tips, configuration examples and references to relevant pages on the Documentation site or related Community posts, and will act as a resource to help you identify troubleshooting steps you can take before seeking any additional support.

Where do I find them?

Please log in, or sign up, to unlock the first (of many!) series of Common Errors articles:

  1. Troubleshooting on Dependency not found
  2. The investigation could not be fetched / timed-out
  3. Error loading libpostal parser modules

Otherwise known as: Could not find org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test:2.3.10.RELEASE | spring-boot-starter-test | AskTimeoutException | Failed: ErrorResponse(Investigations request failed, Status: 503 Service Unavailable | 503 | Investigation Datasources

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