Academy Training VDIs 💻️ - A new way to start and stop your VDI!

Dan_Pryer Posts: 1,701 QUANTEXA TEAM
edited September 2023 in Academy

Hey all,

This is an announcement to say we are launching a new way to start and stop your Academy training VDI!

Currently this is done by using the Slackbot on our Academy Slack channel, however going forward from today, you should stop using Slack and instead use the new tool on the Quantexa Community, which you can find at this link (we advise you bookmark this):

This new tool on the Community works in a similar way to how the Slackbot works: there are buttons to Start and Stop the VDI, with a refresh button that replaces the "/vdi status" command.

After you click the Start button to start the VDI, you will need to wait a few minutes for the VDI to boot up before it is available to use, exactly the same as how it was when using the old Slack method.

The website that you access your VDI from remains unchanged:

We also have a new FAQ coving some common issues encountered when using the VDIs:

Please reach out to the training team if you have any issues with the new VDI tool. We will be decommisioning the Slack channel in the near future.

Dan Pryer - Senior Engineer

R&D - Decision Systems / Detection Packs

Did my reply answer your question? Then why not mark it as having answered in the bottom right corner of my post! 😁



  • Annabel_Rood
    Annabel_Rood Posts: 39 QUANTEXA TEAM

    Loving this new feature on the Quantexa Community! Thanks for the update, @Dan_Pryer

  • Dan_Pryer
    Dan_Pryer Posts: 1,701 QUANTEXA TEAM

    Big thanks to @Lauren_Hammersley and @Sophie_Lyons for implementing this! 😁 🙌

    Dan Pryer - Senior Engineer

    R&D - Decision Systems / Detection Packs

    Did my reply answer your question? Then why not mark it as having answered in the bottom right corner of my post! 😁

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