Revolutionizing SME Classification, MLflow at Quantexa & May Community Highlights

May Top Picks:
- Revolutionizing SME Classification: Quantexa's Scalable Solution
- MLflow At Quantexa
- Quantexa Architecture Academy: Platform Architect Training Course and Certification
📖 Latest from the Community Library:
- How to add Edge Labels to the Quantexa UI
- Scoring Concepts: Alerting and Re-alerting - member exclusive
- Validation Milestones for a Successful Quantexa Deployment - member exclusive
- Managing Batch Runs during Quantexa Upgrades - member exclusive
🗓️ Upcoming Events:
- 12th June: Maximising Value from Community Support
- 13th June: Exclusive Master Data Management UI Demo & Feedback (Session 1)
- 19th June: Exclusive Master Data Management UI Demo & Feedback (Session 2)
- 25th June: Exclusive Master Data Management UI Demo & Feedback (Session 3)
✅ Q&A:
- Date format not coming correctly in Quantexa 2.5.2 UI - login required
- Resolver-Search Elastic Loader failing after splitting index - login required
- Dynamic scoring- profligates - login required
New & Popular Ideas:
- Search/Filter investigations by entity - New Idea 💡
- UI - Scoring Panel: Dealing with Lengthy Text - Roadmap Consideration 🚀
- Button to remove all the constraints applied to a search query - In Progress 🛠️
User Research:
- Master Data Management UI Demo & Feedback Sessions
- Search 2 is in the works 🛠️ Provide your input on the transition
Get Rewarded:
📊 Share your ideas in our latest poll: What should our next competition be?
Community quick links
🚀 Submit and vote for Ideas in our Ideas Portal
🗣️ Join one of our Specialist User Groups: FinCrime, Insurance, Data Management & KYC
📚️ Browse blogs, articles and guides in our Community Library