1. Multi Use Case Best Practice
The Quantexa Platform is not a point solution; it has been developed on fundamental principles of flexibility and scalability, and supports multiple business applications or use cases in a single system. Many Quantexa deployments will originally serve a single use case, although some may be intended for broader use from…
2. Multi Use Case Best Practice: People
This page describes Quantexa's people-related recommendations for multi use case deployments. Many of the practices described on this page will also benefit single use case deployments. These best practices are: Identify a single platform owner for the whole Quantexa service. Form a Design Authority to set the technical…
3. Multi Use Case Best Practice: Processes
This page describes Quantexa's process-related recommendations for multi use case deployments. Many of the practices described on this page will also benefit single use case deployments. These best practices are: Ensure that each interface between components has a documented specification. Ensure that interfaces between…
4. Multi Use Case Best Practice: Technology
This page describes Quantexa's technology-related recommendations for multi use case deployments. Many of the practices described on this page will also benefit single use case deployments. These best practices are: Share data in Elasticsearch, but have a separate analytics pipeline and UI per use case. Ensure you have…
5. Centralized Data Sources
The purpose of this article is to guide organizations on the benefits and implementation practices of centralizing data sources when deploying Quantexa for overlapping use cases. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the process, from deciding which data sources to centralize based on use case and data source…
6. 🎥Webinar - One System, Many Solutions: Quantexa for Multiple Use Cases
This webinar discusses how organisations can best support multiple use cases within a single Quantexa system. Learn how Quantexa Platform components can be reused and shared to save costs, whilst maintaining the independence and flexibility critical to meeting the requirements of each business application. In this session,…