A Telecom’s Successful Journey to the Cloud
Everything Changes, Nothing Stands Still Heraclitus once said that “All things pass and nothing stays”. If we deny change, there is no growth and stagnation can result, and for this reason to be competitive companies constantly strive to adapt to changing requirements. The amount of change we have seen in the UK and Europe…
Anti-Money Laundering in Capital Markets: Time to Embrace Innovation
Introduction Detecting money laundering risk in capital markets is a challenge which the industry has long struggled to effectively overcome. Capital markets inherent risk characteristics, such as high volumes of transactions, cross-border activity, direct market access and complex product offerings complicates risk…
Revolutionizing SME Classification: Quantexa's Scalable Solution
This article describes Quantexa's new SME (Small or Medium Sized Enterprise) classifier. Our classifier has been informed by European Commission rules. It has been implemented to be able to scale for large legal hierarchies. Introduction The world we know today is built on the premise of successful organisations and…
What can Network structure tell us about risk?
By Matt Jackson and Christina Tkachenko Background Corporate registry Documents provide useful structured information for use in risk modelling. In particular, the information within can be a good indicator of suspicious activity. Yet, sometimes this information is not enough to inform a decision or take an action. By…