Want to know neat tricks for deploying Quantexa? Our architects have distilled their favorite deployment learnings into the best practice section on the documentation site which will help you deliver and run high quality Quantexa deployments.
These learnings come from deploying Quantexa over many years at dozens of customers' environments, and multiple different use cases. Some learnings are standard industry practice but applied to a Quantexa deployment, whilst others are more unique to Quantexa and which we learnt the hard way. By sharing this guidance, we expect those deploying Quantexa can benefit from what we've learnt to accelerate a best in class production deployment.
Our guide on Quantexa deployment engineering best practices takes you through the evolution of your deployment from setting up for success in early development stages through to honing an easily operable system in production.
Key topics in the guide
- Automating and organizing your team's development work through use of Continuous Integration and Git usage patterns to let your developers concentrate on what's important.
- Which testing practices to use with Quantexa to guarantee quality of delivery through unit and integration testing.
- Setup of operational tooling for scheduling and observability, so running Quantexa's a breeze, and your operations team will love you.
- Key tips for upgrading Quantexa and keeping on the latest version, and features flowing.
Relevant Quantexa Versions
This article applies to the following Quantexa versions:
All versions
For more information on upgrading, please reach out to your TAP or Alliance Manager.