Issues while setting up or modifying a search

I am currently experiencing an issue with the platform when attempting to set up or modify searches.

When I make changes to a search or try to use a specific search as a template, the "update" or "save new" buttons do not seem to function correctly. Occasionally, the buttons can be pressed, but upon revisiting the search, the changes are not saved. Additionally, there are instances where the buttons are greyed out and unclickable.

Could you please investigate this issue?

Best Answers

  • Saba_Soltan
    Saba_Soltan Posts: 396 QUANTEXA TEAM
    Answer Accepted ✓

    I’d like to clarify how the process works to ensure everything is functioning as expected:

    1. Updating a Saved Search:
      • When you open Saved Searches, the "Update" and "Save New Search" buttons are active.
      • To modify an existing saved search:
        • Make your changes in the search criteria.
        • Click the "Search" button to apply the changes.
        • Then click "Update" to save those changes to your previously saved template.
    2. Creating a New Saved Search Template:
      • Make your changes in the search criteria.
      • Click "Save New" to create a new saved search.
      • You should be able to see your new template appear under Saved Searches.
  • Faisal_Kamal
    Faisal_Kamal Posts: 58 QUANTEXA TEAM
    Answer Accepted ✓

    To save a search or update an existing one, the user must press "Search" again to properly save the changes in the backend. Refer to the following workflows as examples:

    Example 1: Save a new search

    1. Open the existing search
    2. Edit the search
    3. Click “Search”
    4. Add it as a new search (Save New)

    Example 2: Update an existing search

    1. Open the existing search
    2. Edit the search
    3. Click “Search”
    4. Click Update