Introduction Before starting a new buzzword, we need to revisit an old one: MDM. Master data management (MDM) is a term used for the last few decades to help with the growing challenge of having a "single view" of entities across organisations, such as customers, businesses, and products. It became clear as organisations…
In part 1 of this series, I've reviewed through the current state of Master Data Management and highlighted three main reasons as to why MDM initiatives have a historical record of failure, discussed the first reason about the tendency for MDM solutions to promote the idea of a "single view", and how in reality there is…
This is the third and final instalment of my blog series on Rethinking Master Data Management (MDM) and our approach to it. So far, I have examined the current state of MDM and highlighted three main reasons for its historical record of failure. In particular, I discussed how MDM solutions tend to promote the idea of a…