1. There is no such thing as a Single View | Rethinking MDM and Our Approach to It
Introduction Before starting a new buzzword, we need to revisit an old one: MDM. Master data management (MDM) is a term used for the last few decades to help with the growing challenge of having a "single view" of entities across organisations, such as customers, businesses, and products. It became clear as organisations…
1. Understanding Human Trafficking
This article is the first part of a three-part series on human trafficking. Anti-financial crimes (AFC) professionals are uniquely positioned to identify human trafficking operations through their financial footprints. AFC professionals can support criminal cases to mitigate the burden placed on victims and they can also…
2. Data isn't a first-class citizen | Rethinking MDM and Our Approach to It
In part 1 of this series, I've reviewed through the current state of Master Data Management and highlighted three main reasons as to why MDM initiatives have a historical record of failure, discussed the first reason about the tendency for MDM solutions to promote the idea of a "single view", and how in reality there is…
2. Understanding and Identifying Sex Trafficking
This article is the second of a three-part series on human trafficking. As we learned in the article Understanding Human Trafficking, in the U.S., sex trafficking is defined as follows: Figure 1: Section 7102 (11) (A) of Title 22 U.S. Code“The recruitment, harboring, transportation, obtaining, patronizing, soliciting, or…
3. Traditional techniques & rigid models ought to die | Rethinking MDM and Our Approach to It
This is the third and final instalment of my blog series on Rethinking Master Data Management (MDM) and our approach to it. So far, I have examined the current state of MDM and highlighted three main reasons for its historical record of failure. In particular, I discussed how MDM solutions tend to promote the idea of a…
3. Understanding and Identifying Labor Trafficking
This article is the third of a three-part series on human trafficking. The first article of this three-part series, “Understanding Human Trafficking,”¹ covered the definitions and terminology associated with human trafficking (HT), including the U.S. federal definition of labor trafficking. Although sex trafficking is more…
4. Perspective: Addressing SEC-Identified AML Program Deficiencies at Broker-Dealers
Regulatory Publication In July 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Division of Examinations published a Risk Alert entitled, “OBSERVATIONS FROM ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING COMPLIANCE EXAMINATIONS OF BROKER-DEALERS”1. The Risk Alert identified AML compliance shortcomings identified during recent broker-dealer…
5. Anti-Money Laundering in Capital Markets: Time to Embrace Innovation
Introduction Detecting money laundering risk in capital markets is a challenge which the industry has long struggled to effectively overcome. Capital markets inherent risk characteristics, such as high volumes of transactions, cross-border activity, direct market access and complex product offerings complicates risk…
A Telecom’s Successful Journey to the Cloud
Everything Changes, Nothing Stands Still Heraclitus once said that “All things pass and nothing stays”. If we deny change, there is no growth and stagnation can result, and for this reason to be competitive companies constantly strive to adapt to changing requirements. The amount of change we have seen in the UK and Europe…
Decision making beyond local Graph context
Background When investigating an Entity in the Quantexa Graph, it is common for an investigator to start from the Entity in question, and expand through the Graph along related documents and Entities to find relevant linked information. This is standard practice in many contexts, for example in various risk applications,…