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Welcome to Parsers 4.2 | Release Announcement

Alongside the release of QP2.7, we are happy to share the release of 4.2.0 of Standard Parsers.

This release extends the cleansing options you can define purely in config - configurable simple generic cleansers.

We have introduced new config-based cleansers that allow you to perform replacements in strings, remove and keep parts of a string based on pre-defined options, change the case of a string for different languages and to extract specific parts of input strings, all without writing any Scala.

These back-end config improvements extend to the front-end. The users of QP 2.7 will have access to the extended configurability described above within the UI - more details are available in the release notes and documentation for QP2.7.

The release also brings some key bug fixes and a small improvement to business parsing that should catch more edge cases of business names with odd punctuation distributions.

For more information on the release features, please see the 4.2.0 release notes and for general info on Parsers, see the documentation.